
Bio-Dentistry is the name that we give our approach to dentistry: where BIO-logy meets BIO-graphy. That is, the health you want to have meets the story that you want to live.

It’s an approach that honors the intelligence of the body to direct its own healing and the intelligence of the individual to make their own choices.

Your Biography matters: the one you have lived, are living and the one still yet to write. Do you want to write your own story or do you want to have it read to you? As soon as you become the author of your own health and healing, you begin to become well. We empower you to do this.

Your Biology matters. Your body is continuously trying to optimize your health. But it meets obstacles. It is the removal of these obstacles that leads to its success. Not merely treating the symptoms, but rather addressing the causes. If we can figure out what your body is trying to do and support its efforts, you begin to become well. We empower you to do this.

You are an intelligent individual with an intelligent mouth and body. When you put the two together you have the power to become well. We empower you to do this.